• How Are Electric Vehicles Taxed?

    How Are Electric Vehicles Taxed?

    The majority of state budgets for roads and infrastructure in the United States are financed by gasoline taxes. The historical justification for this makes sense. Since more people use public roadways, they need more gasoline, the gas tax is a wisely constructed user fee.
  • Indiana Jones's Guide to Taxing Treasures: From Temples to Tax Forms

    Indiana Jones's Guide to Taxing Treasures: From Temples to Tax Forms

    On June 30, Harrison Ford, the famed actor who played Indiana Jones, will put on his famous hat for the last time. Fans all over the world are looking forward to this last adventure, so let's go on our own journey to figure out the secrets of hard prize.
  • Why is the UTPR so important?

    Why is the UTPR so important?

    Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) introduced a bill this month that would tell the Treasury to make a list of countries that tax U.S. taxpayers (including businesses) in unfair or extraterritorial ways, and then raise taxes on companies and people from those countries.