UK banks are taking a new approach to fraud prevention, but will it pay off?

Spooky ways to fight fraud

Do you remember Tales of the Unexpected? I was routinely terrified by the 1980s’ TV adaptations of Roald Dahl’s sinister short stories, and this week had a flashback with a disturbing financial twist.
Just in time for Halloween, the actor Simon Callow is starring in a social media video series eerily reminiscent of the vintage show — but with the added frisson of fraud.
Called The Scammer House of Horrors he sits in front of a roaring fire narrating real-life horror stories about crypto scams, romance fraud and fake invoices . . . which all come to a sticky end.
Will these videos will be more effective at raising awareness than finger wagging campaigns telling people not what to do?
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Claer Barrett