• Reclaiming the Definition of 'Inflation'

    Reclaiming the Definition of 'Inflation'

    Words have meaning, and definitions can become ambiguous and 'slippery.' Language naturally evolves as words change over time, but frequently a key meaning is lost and there is no longer a single term to define a notion. This has been the case with the term 'inflation,' a prevalent one.
  • Due to a less than 'robust' economy, US consumers are suffering

    Due to a less than 'robust' economy, US consumers are suffering

    Keynesian programs hurt the things they were meant to help. The United States is the best example of this. A few years ago, in 2021, I talked to Judy Shelton. She told me that the recovery would be much better without the stimulus package, and she was right. Massive government spending and creating more money have hurt the economy and made people poorer.
  • How seeing money as time can make your life better

    How seeing money as time can make your life better

    Economics is all about the value of missed chances.
  • Is there a tax on inflation?

    Is there a tax on inflation?

    Some claim that this is not a tax because of definitional difficulties, yet it seems appropriate to term it a tax when government action transfers wealth from a group of people to themselves.
  • The Economics of Tight Money

    The Economics of Tight Money

    Some people say that you can't trust the free market with your money, but that's not true at all. The government is the one who makes money troubles.
  • Can a society keep going without sound money?

    Can a society keep going without sound money?

    Political money is unsound money, and while civilization cannot exist without sound money, it can do without predatory government.
  • 14 Things money experts usually buy on sale

    14 Things money experts usually buy on sale

    The lesson of the story is that you should know when to spend and when to save. Here's what money experts don't spend a lot of money on and why.
  • Money's Political History

    Money's Political History

    Government currency monopolies…can thus be understood as part of the tax system [and reflect] the preference of the fiscal authorities.
  • 23 Ways You're Throwing Money Away and Don't Even Know It

    23 Ways You're Throwing Money Away and Don't Even Know It

    Here are some ways to save money.
  • 11 Secret Tax Avoidance Strategies of the Wealthy

    11 Secret Tax Avoidance Strategies of the Wealthy

    It's not a secret that people who make a lot of money try to hide it from the IRS. How and where they do it, though, is often a secret.