In the past few years, many countries have taken steps to cut down on carbon emissions, such as putting in place environmental rules, emissions trading systems (ETSs), and carbon taxes.
The State Business Tax Climate Index from the Tax Foundation lets business leaders, officials in government, and taxpayers see how their states' tax systems compare to others. There are many ways to show how much a state government gets in taxes, but the Index is meant to show how well states set up their tax systems and offer suggestions for how to make them better.
The next person to live in the White House will have to deal with a number of important tax policy problems, such as the expiring Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changes for individuals and businesses and the growing deficits and debt.
The current federal budget deficit and the accumulated debt result from Congress spending more than they are willing to raise in taxes.
Christian Lindner (FDP), Germany's finance minister, recently revealed important parts of the federal government's plan to change taxes.
Capital allowances play a significant part in a nation's corporate tax base and can influence investment choices, having a significant impact on the economy even if they are occasionally disregarded in talks about corporate taxation.
Words have meaning, and definitions can become ambiguous and 'slippery.' Language naturally evolves as words change over time, but frequently a key meaning is lost and there is no longer a single term to define a notion. This has been the case with the term 'inflation,' a prevalent one.
Tax codes should be simple to comply with, administer, and enforce, according to one of the Tax Foundation's principles for solid tax policy.
Keynesian programs hurt the things they were meant to help. The United States is the best example of this. A few years ago, in 2021, I talked to Judy Shelton. She told me that the recovery would be much better without the stimulus package, and she was right. Massive government spending and creating more money have hurt the economy and made people poorer.
After she turned in her tax return, a young Australian OnlyFans star got a very bad surprise.