Expert lessons from executive MBA alumni
Lenton K Davies
American. Kellogg, due to graduate 2022. Senior director of operations and head of supply chain solutions, Capital One Financial, Washington DC
How did you discuss the support that you needed with your employers?
The conversation is not only with your manager — it is with your team and colleagues. There are 24 hours in a day and something has to give sometimes. You need to decide: is it dinner with my family? Submitting a project late? Asking my colleagues to cover for me, or my boss to step in? I call that the 360 conversation, where I talk to everyone around me. It is the same with my family and close friends. And at work: my managers, colleagues and staff.
Tribeni Chougule
British. Warwick, graduated 2022. Director of inclusive impact and sustainability, Visa, London
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Kate Hodge