Plus, practical advice on dealing with difficult colleagues

Trust is hard to come by in the workplace

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I recently talked to a Working It podcast guest who convinced me that we need nothing less than a shake up of organisational structures in order to make corporate culture fit the future, not the past. This shake-up would involve reimagining the role of human resources professionals, as well as embedding diversity, equity and inclusion objectives into everything we do in the workplace via “culture officers” who sit with other staff, rather than being siphoned off into an HR or DEI silo.
The convincing guest was Jamie Fiore Higgins, author of Bully Market, her eye-opening memoir of nearly two decades working at Goldman Sachs in New York, during which she rose to become a senior manager. (If I also tell you she had four children while doing that, in an environment one could scarcely describe as inclusive for mothers, you see how remarkable she is.)

This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Isabel Berwick