Rising inflation and the increasing cost of living have fuelled the trend

Pay transparency is shaking up hiring practices

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I’ve been wondering this week about the looming identity crisis among CEOs and senior leaders. During the pandemic we heard all about compassionate leadership, with CEOs making carefully curated pronouncements about their caring approach. But is that still right for the tough decisions associated with our new economic uncertainty?
Perhaps we should look to leaders in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, who still tend to stick with “paternalistic” leadership styles. As Michelle Zheng writes in a fascinating FT article: “The Chinese approach is a combination of the authoritarian (asserting absolute authority and control over subordinates and demanding unquestionable obedience); the benevolent (a holistic concern for subordinates’ personal or familial wellbeing); and the moral (superior personal virtues, self-discipline and unselfishness).”

This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Isabel Berwick