Compare MBA, Executive MBA and Masters in Management courses with this FT directory

Business school management degrees in Asia-Pacific 2022: data for future students

Business schools in the Asia-Pacific region are expanding and offering students exposure to some of the world’s fastest-growing markets.
So the Financial Times has compiled a list of postgraduate business and management courses that are currently offered there. The schools listed also appear in the FT’s MBA 2022, Executive MBA 2021, and Masters in Management 2022 league tables, and are ranked according to categories including the average salary of alumni, graduate employment rate and proportion of students studying overseas.
This directory comprises schools with campuses in mainland China, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan and Australia.
Asia-Pacific business education directory

Key to the table

The directory is based on the most recently available published data. The Executive MBA, MBA, and Masters in Management information is taken from our 2022 and 2021 rankings.
FT ranking positions
This column shows which ranking the school featured in, with the rank position in brackets. For MBA and Masters in Management, the ranks are from 2022. For EMBA, the ranks are from 2021.

The Masters of Business Administration (MBA) is a post-experience degree where the majority of students have at least three years’ work experience.

The executive MBA (EMBA) is designed for senior working managers. The majority of students have at least 10 years’ work experience.

The Masters in Management (MiM) is for students with very little or no prior work experience.

International students (%)
The percentage of the most recent students whose citizenship differs from the country in which they study (at the time when the survey was carried out).
Female students (%)
Percentage of female students from the most recent class (at the time when the survey was carried out).
Average salary (US$ PPP)
Average alumni salary three years after completion, US$ purchasing power parity equivalent.
Salary increase (%)
For MiM, this is the average difference in alumni salary between completion and today, a time span of three years. For MBA and EMBA, this is the average difference in alumni salary from before the start of the programme to the time of the survey, three years after the completion of the degree.
Aims achieved (%)
Extent to which alumni fulfilled their stated goals or reasons for studying their chosen programme — for example, to increase their salary or change career.
Overall satisfaction
Average evaluation by alumni of the course, scored out of 10. This figure is not used in the ranking.
‡ No data available. School did not have student enrolments during the specified timeframe from July 2020 to July 2021, due to the pandemic.

This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Wai Kwen Chan