Research shows taller people are more successful but leg-lengthening surgery is still a step too far

Men who get their legs broken to gain height are not entirely mad

If you work at a place like the Financial Times, you tend to hear a lot about bond yields and Fed rates and what the dollar is doing.
Last week however, a non-trivial number of FT staff were talking about something else: a GQ magazine article about leg-lengthening surgery to make yourself taller.
This grisly cosmetic procedure costs tens of thousands of pounds and involves getting one’s legs broken, having metal rods screwed into the thigh bones and learning to walk again with months of rehabilitation.

The idea that anyone would willingly undergo such an ordeal, let alone pay the £56,000 to £210,000 that the BBC says the surgery can cost, is baffling — except if you look at the data.
This story originally appeared on: Financial Times - Author:Pilita Clark